At purePEDIATRICS, we offer a variety of appointments to suit your child’s needs.
WELL CHILD EXAMINATIONS: Appointments consist of a comprehensive well child examination, including vaccinations as indicated, vision and hearing screening, scoliosis screening, laboratory collection, and nutrition and developmental assessment.
SICK CHILD EXAMINATIONS: Appointments consist of comprehensive assessment, laboratory collection and rapid laboratory testing as indicated.
HOUSE CALL VISITS: Appointments consist of either well child or sick child examinations in your home. After hours and weekends may be available.
SCHOOL & CAMP PHYSICALS: Appointments consist of comprehensive examination and clearance for participation in school sports and camp activities.
PRENATAL CONSULTATION: Appointments are complimentary and consist of a 30 minute visit in the office to meet with the pediatrician and discuss issues related to the prenatal care of a new infant.
“MEET THE DOC” CONSULTATIONS: Appointments are complimentary and consist of an opportunity to visit the office to meet with the pediatrician and staff and discuss pediatric care philosophies. An ideal way to ensure that patient and doctor are a “good fit” for each other.
HEMATOLOGY INITIAL CONSULTATION: Appointments consist of comprehensive examination and review of prior medical records and laboratory data, as well as laboratory collection and review of tests. Typically an hour is needed for a thorough review of the patient history and medical situation. Additional time may be needed for further coordination of care.
HEMATOLOGY FOLLOW-UP CONSULTATION: Appointments consist of a focused examination and review of recent laboratory or imaging studies, along with comprehensive plan of care.
MICRONUTRIENT TESTING: Appointments consist of a complete history and physical exam as well as laboratory collection for SpectraCell Micronutrient Testing. A follow-up visit in the office or via phone is arranged to review the results, which take approximately 3 weeks.